Brazos County Archery Club
Any person desiring membership into BCAC shall present an application in writing or electronically. All members shall abide by all club by-laws.
Classes of membership will be Family, Single, Student/Military, and 4H/JOAD. Family will consist of head of household, spouse and dependents 21 years of age or younger. No dependents under 16 years of age shall be permitted on range without adult supervision.
Memberships are good for one year, at which time each member must renew or lose membership. Membership year extends from January 1st through December 31st. New members joining after July 1st will maintain membership until December 31st of the following year.
All members of the Brazos County Archery Club are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with club rules and safety guidelines when on the range and when participating in both practice and club shoot activities.
Any member who does not abide by the club rules and safety expectations will not be considered a member in good standing with the club. For the safety of those participating and the protection of the club, individuals who do not abide by club rules and safety expectations may be subject to suspension from shoots or in extreme cases expulsion from the club. Members not in good standing will be notified in writing of any corrective action that is expected on their part and will also be notified if any suspension is imposed.
GOOD CAUSE for expulsion shall be defined as finding by the Board of Directors that any member of the Brazos County Archery Club is guilty of any act which is determined to cause dishonor or embarrassment to the club, damage or destruction of club or LAND OWNER property, reckless actions which result in injury to other club members or actions that would jeopardize the sport of archery in any way.
Regular club meetings shall be held monthly on the Thursday before the scheduled monthly club shoot at a time and location that will be announced. Board meetings will be held monthly, preceding the monthly club shoot. Any board member may call a meeting provided that there is a significant reason and the board is provided with 24-hour advance notice.
Yearly dues will be regulated by the Board of Directors and will become due on January 1st of each year.
A quorum for the Board of Directors shall consist of 2/3 of the board members.
The board shall be responsible for the orderly management of club business and overseeing up-keep of the Brazos County Archery Club’s range.
The board shall also keep the general membership informed as to the issues discussed at board meetings, and also changes at the state and local levels that affect this club or archery in general.
The duties described below shall not be exclusive and may include other duties as needed.
The president shall be the chairman of the Board of Directors and shall preside at all club meetings. The president shall have the authority to appoint all committees as necessary for the club functions. The president shall have the authority to sign checks as well as the Vice Presidents. The treasurer and secretary shall have no check signing authority.
There will be two positions. The Vice-Presidents shall be responsible for both range and target maintenance. They shall act as president in his or her absence; will be in charge of work parties and schedule such parties as they see fit; will see that all range facilities are maintained and repaired or replaced as necessary including 3-D targets and practice targets. Vice-Presidents shall have check signing authority.
Vice-Presidents hall have the authority to appoint committees for execution and organization of club shoots.
Shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of club and board meetings and maintaining the membership list. Shall be responsible for general communication to the membership. The secretary shall not have the authority to sign checks.
Shall maintain a checking account and present a financial statement at all club and board meetings. Will write checks for club business. Will assist president and vice-president in handling of general club business. The treasurer shall not have the authority to sign checks.
The treasurer will also maintain the scholarship account as needed.
No person shall be allowed on the range that appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No consumption of drugs or alcohol will be permitted on the range or at club events.
No non-member can use the range or any club facilities without supervision by a club member.
Always leave one member in front of your target while looking for lost arrows. Never go behind a target while shooting alone to look for lost arrows.
Never knowingly shoot a broken or cracked arrow.
Never release an arrow when you cannot see where it will land. Never shoot straight up into the air.
Remember that a bow and arrow is a dangerous weapon and should be treated with as much respect as a loaded gun.
Never point and draw a bow and arrow toward another archer.
Never brace another person’s bow without permission. Never draw another’s bow without permission.
Protect your sport by being careful at all times and make sure of your target before shooting.
No use of tips other than those designed for target or field archery. (ex.: no use of broadheads or small game tips.)
No hunting on club property as regulated by city of Bryan ordinance.
Archer of the Year: Will be based on a point system, which is maintained and published by a board member. In order to qualify for the awarded divisions an archer must be a member of the club in good standing. He or she must also shoot in at least five (5) club shoots. An official scorecard must be turned in at the end of the shoot (to be maintained by the scorekeeper) or it will not be applied toward qualification. There may be up to five divisions or as many as deemed necessary by club leadership.
Known Distance (male/female)
Unknown Distance (male/female
Club Member of the Year: To be awarded to the one member, who during the year, has best represented the club in an unselfish manner to better the club and all related club activities. Board Members and Officers shall not be eligible for this award. This award will be bestowed at the September banquet and will be voted on by the board of directors and officers.
The name of the association shall be “BRAZOS COUNTY ARCHERY CLUB” of Bryan/College Station, Texas and shall be abbreviated B.C.A.C.
To foster, expand, promote, and perpetuate competitive archery, as a sport.
To encourage, promote, and perpetuate archery as a family sport.
To conduct a continuous educational program designed to acquaint the public with archery, using the bow and arrow in recreation, and as a weapon suitable for the hunting of legal game.
To foster and perpetuate a spirit of good fellowship and sportsmanship among all archers.
To operate as a non-profit organization, with all monies collected through dues and fees returned to the club for operating cost and continual club and range improvements.
Classes of membership:
Family Membership – Granted to any member with immediate family.
Single Membership – Granted to any single member.
Student/Military - granted to a current student or active/retired military service member.
4H/JOAD - granted to a member of Brazos 4H Archery Club or JOAD.
Officers shall consist of a president, vice-president(s), secretary and treasurer. The Board of Directors shall consist of the past president, president, vice-president(s), secretary and treasurer and a minimum of five club members who are elected to the Board. Officers and Board Members shall be elected based on the needs of the club and the number may fluctuate from year to year.
The purpose of the Board of Directors and officers shall be to conduct the business of the BCAC and be responsible for its general welfare.
Should a vacancy occur during the year, the position will be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
With the exception of the past president, the terms for officers and board members shall be one year, starting October 1st and ending September 30th. There are no term limits and new elections held in September. Should a president not be re-elected then he or she shall be appointed to a one-year term on the board.
BCAC will be affiliated with a nationally recognized archery organization. Affiliation will be for assisting with archery club guidance and consistency. National affiliation is required for liability insurance. Guidance may include but is not limited to: target design and designation, shooting rules, shooting classes and course layout.
All proposed amendments to the constitution must be made in writing and must be presented to the Board of Directors before being presented to the general membership. Said proposed amendment shall require a two-thirds majority vote by the general membership for adoption.
In the event that the Brazos County Archery Club, for any reason, ceases to exist and all archery activities halted, all debts shall be paid in full. All possessions of the club shall be auctioned to the public. All proceeds from this auction and any funds left in the club’s account shall be given to a charitable organization.
In the event of the dissolution of the Brazos County Archery Club, the scholarship account will move to the control of the foundation designated by the Hojnacki family.